Darul Iman

Islamic Centre of Markham

Masjid Darul Iman

Featured Events

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Upcomming Events

12 - February - 2025

Class 20

Maintaining Ties Of Kinship with an Idolater and Giving Gifts

Living Islam Class

13 - February - 2025

Episode 20

The Islâm of ‘Umar bin Khattâb Radhi Allâhu ‘Anhu

Seerah Class

14 - February - 2025

Annual Quran Night

Welcoming The Month of Ramadan

15 - February - 2025

Aqeedah Series

Begin With the Basics - Islamic Creed: Aqeedha for Girls Ages 11-16 years

Ustadah Shazia Shams

19 - February - 2025

Class 21

The Punishment of Someone who Cuts off Ties Of Kinship In this World

Living Islam Class

20 - February - 2025

Episode 21

The Boycott of Banû Hâshim

Seerah Class

22 - February - 2025

Aqeedah Series

Begin With the Basics - Islamic Creed: Aqeedha for Girls Ages 11-16 years

Ustadah Shazia Shams

26 - February - 2025

Class 22

Learn your Lineages so that You Can Maintain Ties Of Kinship

Living Islam Class

01 - March - 2025

Aqeedah Series

Begin With the Basics - Islamic Creed: Aqeedha for Girls Ages 11-16 years

Ustadah Shazia Shams

08 - March - 2025

Aqeedah Series

Begin With the Basics - Islamic Creed: Aqeedha for Girls Ages 11-16 years

Ustadah Shazia Shams

Every Wednesday

Living Islam By Sheikh Shoaib Wardak

Every Thursday

Seerah Lecture By Sheikh Shoaib Wardak

Every Friday

Quran tafseer By Sheikh Oussama

Every Sunday

Urdu Bayan by Hafiz Qasim

Be gentle with yourself.

Our Services

Our services range from fulfilling critical community needs, to learning opportunities, sharing the message of Islam and more.

Booking facilities

Welcome to our mosque's vibrant community hub, where gatherings become memorable moments. Explore our versatile booking facilities, perfect for team meetings, community events, and cherished family gatherings. Reserve your space today and create unforgettable experiences with us.

Youth Programs

At ICM we are ascending to the task of building a community powered by youth. We are committed to engaging children and young adults get involved in community through educational programs, competitions, and informative sessions.

Senior Programs

Our seniors are a treasure for our community. At ICM we value our elders and strive to offer a multitude of community programs for seniors as well. These include workshops, social gatherings, physical activities and learning opportunities for the seniors to interact with each other.

Sports Complex

Discover our Sports Complex at the Islamic Center of Markham, designed for team sports and community fitness. Book our state-of-the-art facilities for your next game or practice and enjoy a welcoming environment that fosters teamwork and healthy living.

Nikah services

At the ICM, we offer Nikah services to bring families together for this joyous occasion. Our facilities provide a serene setting, and we connect you with licensed scholars for guidance and official ceremonies, ensuring a meaningful and blessed union.

Funeral Services

Losing a loved one is difficult. We ease the burden of bereavement by facilitating preparation of the deceased for burial through use of our dedicated mortuary and leading funeral prayers. Make arrangements here.


ICM wants to make counseling accessible, convenient, and confidential so anyone can get help anytime. We have partnered up with HAPPY STRONG FAMILY , which is a non-profit organization for parents & families. Reach out to us if you need someone to talk to.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

✨⚡ ⏱️Countdown 5 Days togo✨⚡
Mark Your Calendar🗓️ *Feb 14th 2025 @ 7:30

The *Masjid Darul Iman-Islamic Centre of Markham *
Pleased to present * Annual Quran Night 2025 Connecting our hearts to the Quran before Ramadan: A live qirat event

We welcome you all to join us with your families to attend an evening of Qur’aanic recitations and Nasheed performances by our honourable international guest reciters alongside our respected local reciters. Alhamdulillah, we are very fortunate to have International level Qurra join us and bless us with their recitation.

InshaAllah dinner will also be served.

ICM-MDI Management

Imagine getting reward every time a person does wuzu at the place you contributed to!!

Join us in a noble cause this Friday, the 27th December at Masjid Darul Iman. Be a part of our fundraising campaign to renovate the sisters’ Wudhu and washroom and donate generously to earn a reward for lifetime.


NOW OFFERING TWO INTENSITIES (Beginner & Intermediate Level)

Just in time to get you ready for Ramadan!

Dec 13-Feb 28, 2025 (No class Dec 24, 27 and 31st)
Every Tuesday and Friday:
Beginner class: 6:00- 7:00 PM
Intermediate class: 7:00-8:00PM
(Minimum 15 enrollments per class)

‼‼$25 OFF on first 10 registrations ‼‼
Sign up today!!!

🔸Take advantage of this excellent opportunity to exercise, establish healthy habits and connect with other Muslim sisters.

🔸Benefit from small group training from a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist at a subsidized cost (appx $10/class)

♥Let’s take care of ourselves, so we can take care of others around us!♥

Imagine being rewarded every time someone else does wudu!

As a prestigious mosque in Markham serving an ever-increasing community, visitors and travelers passing through, Masjid Darul Iman are constantly improving and extending to accommodate the demand of the facilities. A clean Wudu facility for mosque is vital, where people perform wudu 5 times a day.

The Prophet Muhammad (saws) said: “Whoever sets a good precedent in Islam will have the reward for that and the reward for those who do it after him, without that detracting from their reward in the slightest.”

Wudu – The Foundation of The Prayer

After several years, our wudu facilities were insufficient for the growing community and in urgent need of renovation.

Alhamdulillah, with your generous support, we have completed the Brothers’ Wudu and Washroom Remodeling and Renovation Project.

The current wudu area for women is insufficient for a mosque of this size and is not fit to serve the needs of the large number of women who use the mosque all year round especially during Ramadan.


Women has always been an integral part of our community and facilitating women in our mosque has been a priority at Masjid Dar Ul Iman. Large number of women are now a part of our community and with Ramadan less than three months away, we feel the necessity to renovate and enlarge the current ablution facilities for women. And we can only do this with the help and support of our community, please donate as much Sadqa e Jaryiah to support us.

Help us to create a new, modern wudu facility, one which will properly serve the growing number of Muslims in this area.

Contribute on your own behalf or that of a loved one and create a legacy of Sadiqah Jariyah which will continue to bring benefit even after death.

Upgrades for the Sisters’ Wudu and Washroom Area is in progress. The estimated cost is $90,000. This will ensure a clean, comfortable, and welcoming space for our sisters.

Womens Underconstruction


Alhamdulillah, with the grace and blessings of Allah (SWT), the renovation of the men’s Wudhu area has been successfully accomplished. This space will serve as a vital facility for enhancing the convenience of performing ablution, ensuring cleanliness and comfort for all worshippers.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed their time, effort, and resources towards this noble cause. Your generosity and dedication have made this project a reality, and its impact will, Insha’Allah, benefit countless individuals in their spiritual journey.

May Allah (SWT) accept the efforts of all those who contributed to this project, bless the contributors, and reward them abundantly in this world and the Hereafter. And make our Masjid a source of blessing for the entire area and beyond.

We thank you for your patience during the work. The men’s wudhu area has gone through a complete overhaul with the project undertaken by a reputable contractor

The completed work has resulted in a project fit for purpose ablution area with an increased capacity to cater for our growing congregation.

We request your generous donations.

We invite you all to visit the new look of renovated and re-modeled Brother’s wudhu areas at Masjid Darul Iman.

Please donate today and be rewarded for every person who does wudu in our mosque.

Together, let’s continue to improve the house of Allah (SWT).