Darul Iman


Part-Time Hifz

While the full-time program is not best-suited for all students, ICM’s Part-time Hifz program provides the best alternative for students to memorize the Holy Quran while also continuing their day-time school. ​Our centre’s experienced teachers provide the guidance which allows students to make efficient use of their time.

Subjects covered throughout this program include:

  • Hifz (memorization)
  • Tajweed rules
  • Masnoon Duaa (prayers)
  • Islamic etiquettes & Tarbiyah (discipline, respect, and cleanliness)
  • Fiqh (understanding of the Sharia)
  • Aqaaid (faith)
  • Seerah (Stories of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)

Year 2023 – 2024 Session Timings:

5.30 PM- 8.00 PM Monday to Friday

Classes start from:

To register on-line please go to the link below.